I1 Litter - Lil'Lotus av Verden x Geirrod de l'Eperon

born March 25th 2012

Litter A Song of Ice and Fire - Game of Thrones

Geirrod de l'Eperon x Lil'Lotus av Verden

Both parents are tested GSD4 negative, and scanned for heart (HCM) and kidney (PKD, CIN) diseases, with negative results.

Pedigree of the litter

Name Sex Colour Status
Ice & Fire Khal Drogo n 09 22 - brown tabby blotched and white lives with Sylvia in Munich - Av Folgefonn
Ice & Fire Jon Snow n 09 - black and white lives with Sophie in Nancy (54)
Ice & Fire Daenerys n 09 - black and white lives with Nathalie in Crépol (26)
Ice & Fire Arya Stark n 09 22 - brown tabby blotched and white lives with Janine in l'Isle d'Abeau (69)

Pictures of the babies

~ One day ~ 10 days ~ 15 days ~ 24 days ~ 5 weeks ~ 6 weeks ~ 7 weeks ~ 2 months ~ 10 weeks ~ 11 weeks

Jon Snow in his new home

Daenerys in her new home

Arya in her new home

Meaning of the names

The kittens are named after the thrilling fantasy saga created by George R.R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire, adapted into a TV series under the name Game of Thrones. It depicts a medieval and fantastic universe, full of foggy legends, bloody stormy battles, everlasting ice, extraordinary creatures, endless winters, blizzard winds, dragons, black magic : doesn't it suit the Norwegian forest cat perfectly, this enchanted feline coming right out of the Northern legends ?

Khal Drogo, mighty chief of the Dothrakis, is an accomplished rider and a powerful warrior, brutal and mercyless. He is married to the beautiful Danaerys Targaryen.

Jon Snow, a virtuose with his sword, is a bastard son of the Lord of Winterfell, the Northern city. He joins the Night Watch and goes the beyond the great Wall of ice to fight against the hideous creatures once buried under the everlasting ice, far North.

Daenerys Targaryen, a dazzling beauty, is the last princess of the fallen Targaryen dynasty. She is a descendant of the mythical blood of the Dragons, and she tries to win back her father's throne. She brings three dragon eggs to hatch and becomes "the Mother of Dragons".

Arya Stark is the youngest daughter of the Lord of Winterfell. She refuses to become an idle and powerless princess, she swings her sword like a man would, and when she must face an hostile fate, she proves to be a brave, fierce and brilliant young woman.


How do the colours look like when the cat is grown up ?

* To see what becomes of brown tabby, have a look at Freya (grand-mother of the kittens) and Geirrod (father of the kittens).

* To see what becomes of black and white, have a look at Murphy (grand-father of the kittens) and Häxan (half-sister of the kittens).

Sales conditions

Please have a look on the Kitten page.



Contact :
Chatterie de l'Eperon
Alexandra Besson
26290 Donzère
Drôme provençale, France
proche de Montélimar
Ecrivez-moi : chatterie-eperon@voila.fr